From January 2009, they will be exchanging books for tokens collected the newspaper.
It does sound really good, and the book lists they have prepared look excellent, including the sort of titles we would recommend at Reading Matters.
Reading Matters Blog
From January 2009, they will be exchanging books for tokens collected the newspaper.
It does sound really good, and the book lists they have prepared look excellent, including the sort of titles we would recommend at Reading Matters.
Christine Mullan, HR Director at HBPG: "Staff have loved helping the children at Brinsworth School. They get enormous satisfaction from the knowledge they are really helping to support and inspire young people in our community."
Jill Ford, Assistant Head Teacher at Brinsworth Comprehensive School:"The young people who the Horner Brothers volunteers work with have gained confidence through the reading activities and developing a friendly relationship with another adult."We hope the press release will lead to a bit of coverage in the media. Corporate social responsibility (CSR) programmes such as this are quite big news at the moment so we will see how it goes.
At the risk of under-estimating my audience, here's a definition of emo, I think the kids have moved on a bit these days..
[via The Ya Ya Yas]