
Ideas from our Reading Mentors training

Last week we trained a new batch of Volunteer Reading Mentors, they are a great bunch, and I am busily trying to set them up with suitable places in schools to begin reading sessions. Sitting in was Melanie the Librarian from Bradfield School. She was full of great ideas for activities to use in reading partnerships.
  • Head to your local shopping centre, eg. Meadowhall and pick up a map and a catalogue shop catalogue, you can then plan a Christmas shopping expedition together

  • WOW! 366: Speedy Stories in Just 366 Words

  • The Booked Up programme should be running in most school libraries and the books included in the scheme give a good overview of what's hot in the world of children's books, the accessible book options are particularly relevant

Thanks Melanie


Choose your own adventure

I have been covering some reading sessions at Parkwood Academy, and really enjoying it. Because I will only be spending a few hours with the pupils I did not want to embark on a long story. So as well as the usual games and activities we have been reading some 'Choose you own adventure' books.

I remember the Fighting Fantasy Books which I absolutely loved when I was younger, but we have been using the slightly more accessible Full Flight 5 range, which are great too.

The children I have been reading with are really excited by them and when the die horrible deaths are keen to have another try. Great for reading partnerships.


Sheffield Bag-A-Book Day 2009

Last week, during half-term Reading Matters had a stall at the Sheffield Fostering Service Bag-A-Book Day, at Sheffield Wednesday's Hillsborough Stadium. It was a great day, lots of fun. It was the first time Reading Matters had been involved so we were not sure how to best particpate. Because of the setting I decided on a set of football word games, but these were put to shame by all the othe activites on offer; paint-a-pot, face-paining, mask-making, urban poetry, street dance, stadium tours, story-telling and lots lots more. So next year we need to think of something really exciting, suggestions very welcome!

Rhyme and Reason Bookshop
Books at Hillsborough